Car Accident Clinic
As a personal injury clinic we also work as a car accident clinic in Miami. Did you know that in Florida there are over 1.000 car accidents a day? This according to the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles statistics for 2022.
Also, the leading causes of injuries and fatalities are driving and drinking, speeding, not using a seatbelt, and distracted driving. And the weekday with more car accidents is usually Friday between 8:00 pm – 11:59 pm.
Some of the most common injuries after a car accident can be traumatic brain injury, back injuries, fractures and broken bones, neck injuries and whiplash. Also, soft tissue injuries, like sprains, strains and bruises in muscles, tendons and ligaments of the body.
In case of a crash remember to chose us as your car accident clinic in Florida.

The most frequent types of collisions among car accidents are:

This happens when a vehicle crashes with another one in front. Although it is widely thought that the one going behind is at fault, there are exceptions when there’s evidence that the leading car driver’s negligence, distraction, or maneuvers caused the accident. These accidents may cause serious injuries, like whiplash, even at low speeds.

This full frontal crash is usually provoked when a driver goes the wrong way on the road and encounters another vehicle, usually at a speed that leaves no time for reaction. These accidents typically cause total vehicle loss and severe injuries, such as spinal cord and brain injuries.

When two vehicles collide, impacting the side of one or both cars, it falls into a side-impact collision category. Among this category, there are two types of collisions: Side-swipe, which is less dangerous and happens when the impact occurs on the sides of both cars, for example, when a car merges into another road without seeing the vehicles already in the lane.
Another type is the T-bone collision. This one produces severe injuries and fatalities as a consequence, as the impact directly hits the driver or passengers inside the car.

Rollover accident
Of all the collision types, this one causes higher fatality rates as the vehicle roll onto its side or roof. This type of accident not necessarily involves another vehicle, as the vehicle size, speed, distractions, or influence of drugs and alcohol may be the cause. At our car accident clinic we have seen how wearing a seatbelt increases the chances of surviving this kind of accident and minimizes the severity of injuries.

Blind spot
Every vehicle has blind spots, generally located on the back left and back right side of the car. Depending on the vehicle, this spot is bigger or smaller. Modern cars have blind spot warnings or Blind spot Collision Avoidance Assist (BCA) to avoid accidents when another vehicle, person, or object appears in this blind spot.

These are any collisions happening at less than 25 mph. Usually, these accidents are considered minor collisions, and people walk away from them thinking there are no consequences, yet, they may cause severe injuries from days to weeks later. As little serious as they may seem, it’s crucial to call the police, get them to create a report, and get checked by a professional doctor.
Your role in the accident doesn’t matter, remember not to admit fault!
How can we support you?
As a car accident clinic, Agape offers professional and attentive personal injury care to ensure your recovery. Our medical care involves a team of specialists that can provide thorough attention to your health condition and help you document your case. We also work with a legal network that can guide you through the claim process. Our attorneys specialize in personal injury claims and will work tirelessly to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve.
To learn more about our services.


Even if you don’t own a motor vehicle, you could be a victim of someone driving one, so it’s essential to learn about this information so you can be prepared and informed in case you are involved in an accident.
To learn the basics about some of Florida’s mandatory and optional insurances, including PIP, PD, BIL, and UM see our blog.